Sorge, B.H., Fore, G, Minner, D., Agarwal, M., Nanotechnology Experiences for Teachers and Students, Student Experiences and Outcomes. Published in the proceedings of the 127th Annual American Society for Engineering Education Conference, Minneapolis, MN., July 2022.
Sorge, B.H., Fore, G., Williamson, F., Angstmann, J., Place-Based Experiential Learning: A pathway to sustainability and environmental literacy. Paper Published in the proceedings of the American Educational Research Association Conference, San Diego, CA., April 2022.
Gavrin, A., Vemuri, G., & Maric, D. (2021). Preliminary efforts to evaluate an initiative introducing computation across the undergraduate physics curriculum. In Bennet, M. B., Frank, B. W., Vieyra, R .E. (Eds.), 2021 Physics Education Research Conference (pp. 141-146). American Association of Physics Teachers. doi:10.1119/
Sanders, E.A., Hess, J.L., Fore, G., Price, M.F., Sorge, B.H., Hahn, T., Coleman, M., Faculty Members’ Conceptualizations of Ethics in the Biomedical Engineering Classroom. Paper published in the proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, October 2021.
Luo, X., Justice, C., Sorge, B. H., Integrated Education of Data Analytics and Information Security through Cross-Curricular Activities. Paper published in the proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Cincinnati, OH. October 2019.
Hess, J. Sorge, B. H., Fore, G., Exploring Ethical Development from Standard Instruction in the Contexts of Biomedical Engineering and Earth Science. Paper published in the proceedings of the 126th Annual ASEE Conference and Exposition, Tampa, FL. June 2019.
Sorge, B. H., Rollings, A., Fore, G., Angstmann, J. Using Place for Developing Learners: Early Findings From the Integration of a Campus Farm. Paper published in the annual proceedings of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, CA. April 2019.
Fore, G., Hess, J.L., Sorge, B. H., Price, M., Coleman, M.A., Hahn, T.W., Hatcher, J.A., An Introduction to the Integrated Community-Engaged Learning and Ethical Reflection Framework (I-CELER). Published in the Proceedings of the 125th Annual American Society for Engineering Education Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, July 2018.
Mutegi, J. W., Sorge, B., Nunnally, E., Fore, G., Gibau, G. S., Agarwal, M., & Minner, D. E. Examining the differential impact of a nanotechnology research experience on minority and non-minority students. Paper published in the annual proceedings of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY. April 2018.
Sorge, B. H., & Hess, J., Developing an Understanding of the Implementation and Impacts of High School pre-Engineering Programs: Making the Case for a Benefit-Cost Analysis. Published in the Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference. Indianapolis, IN. October 2017.
Sorge, B. H., Fore, G., Nunnaly, E., Gibau, G., & Agarwal, M., Nanotechnology Experiences for Students and Teachers (NEST) Enhancing Teachers’ Self-Efficacy and Their Understanding of STEM Career Opportunities. Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference. Indianapolis, IN. October 2017.