IU Indianapolis
Office of Academic Affairs 755 W. Michigan Street
University Library, UL 1123
Indianapolis, IN 46202-2800
Email: seiri@iu.edu
The School of Science at IU Indianapolis is dedicated to conducting fundamental and applied scientific research and providing the highest quality undergraduate education and graduate training.
The Purdue School of Engineering and Technology offers undergraduate and graduate programs that prepare students for careers in industry. The school is one of the largest degree-granting schools at IU Indianapolis, with an enrollment of approximately 2,500 students. All degrees are awarded by Purdue University, with the exception of those awarded through the Department of Music & Arts Technology.
The Indiana University School of Education (SOE) at IU Indianapolis is an institution defined by their place while at the same time defining the role of urban education in the 21st century. Located in the heart of a major metropolitan area, the School prepares exemplary educators and leaders for urban settings.
The Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering offers a rare combination of programs—including informatics, computer science, library science, information science, and intelligent systems engineering—making the school one of the largest, broadest, and most accomplished of its kind.
The Institute for Engaged Learning promotes and supports the equitable progression of undergraduates through pathways of connected and scaffolded curricular and co-curricular, applied, integrative, and experiential learning opportunities that prepare students for lives of commitment and success with skills to communicate, innovate, and engage in local and global communities to address 21st century problems.
The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) advances IU Indianapolis’s commitment to teaching excellence by collaborating with faculty, schools, and departments to enhance student learning and to support faculty development at our diverse urban research institution. The CTL provides a wide array of programs, events, and services that foster innovation in teaching, the scholarship of teaching and learning, and the translation of education research into local practice.
The Institute for American Thought is a unique research facility bringing to IU Indianapolis and to Central Indiana an internationally acclaimed concentration of resources and scholarship that focuses on fundamental strongholds of American thought and culture.
At Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IU Indianapolis), the expertise and resources in nanoscale science and engineering, coupled with the desire by the IU Indianapolis researchers from diverse disciplines to develop nanotechnology-based systems that address major societal and economic needs, have constituted the main driving forces for the establishment of the Integrated Nanosystems Development Institute (INDI).