As part of its efforts to support the advancement of STEM education research and innovation, SEIRI has compiled a large list of resources that could be used by established STEM education researchers and practitioners and by those that are perhaps just beginning to explore their interests in STEM education. Whether you are interested in exploring the publications of SEIRI personnel, materials from SEIRI hosted talks, the key journals for the broad field of STEM education research, or even some of the essential works of STEM education research, SEIRI's list of resources will point you in the right direction.
STEM and Education Resources
Having access to and utilizing STEM and STEM Education Resources can be invaluable when implementing and/or researching an innovating intervention or replicating one preciously done. The links provided can serve as a starting point in finding these resources and peer-reviewed materials.
Research Methods
Research methods are the procedures, strategies, processes, and techniques used to collect and analyze data. Using the appropriate research methods is a vital part of conducting high quality educational research. The links provide citations for valuable articles, presentations, and development videos to support you in exploring research methods.
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is a growing area that systematically explores/researches interventions in student learning that are informed by previous scholarship.