Daniel Walzer, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Music and Arts Technology at IU Indianapolis. He was the o-PI on an NSF AISL project with Dr. Jesse Heines, Professor Emeritus at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, between 2015-2017. Their project, “Teach a Computer to Sing,” explored the connections between singing and computer coding in an after-school program for middle school students using Scratch, Easy ABC Notation, Audacity, and related software. Walzer’s coding interests include Scratch, Max/MSP, Unity, Unreal Engine, Pure Data, and Sonic Pi. Dr. Walzer has published over twenty peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, and conference proceedings on music technology and education and has presented at conferences in the UK, Canada, Turkey, and the United States. Walzer received his Ph.D. from the University of the Cumberlands, MFA from the Academy of Art University, MM from the University of Cincinnati, and BM from Bowling Green State University.