755 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202
Deb serves as academic specialist for the NSF-funded project, “Louis Stokes Midwest Regional Center of Excellence,” (lsmrce.org) where she oversees the day-to-day administration of the project and develops and disseminates educational opportunities for higher-education STEM faculty, administrators, and underrepresented minorities. Deb brings more than twenty years of program and project management experience in a university and a non-profit setting. Her research and program experience began in 1995 while working on two behavioral NIH R01 grants at the IU School of Nursing on the IU Indianapolis campus. Deb received her Master’s degree in Instructional Systems Technology (IST), in 2020 from the Indiana University School of Education in Bloomington. Her area of academic and research interest is in the development of effective and adaptive online learning intervention models in STEM education, as well as, assessment and evaluation of educational interventions.
The Louis Stokes Midwest Regional Center of Excellence (LSMRCE)